Research Group Jeitziner

Nursing Research

Main Areas of Work

  • Recording the experiences and needs of patients and their families, particularly of patients with a protracted stay in the intensive care ward.
  • Patient safety, particularly nursing staffing and the influence of organisational structures, qualifications and workload.

Brief description

We are studying the development, implementation and evaluation of evidence-based measures in the care of patients andtheir families.

We are also investigating innovative, efficient and family- and patient-orientated models for care.

Associated staff

Matthias Thomas Exl, MScN

Current projects

  • ICU Families (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorders in the Family)
  • Virtual Reality in the treatment and Prevention of Delirium
  • Care of families during period in the intensive care ward
  • Nurse staffing and the association with adverse events
  • Nurse staffing and workload
  • Nursing staff workload and NASA task load index

Important publications


National Collaborations

  • Basel University Research in Care and Nursing
  • ARTORG Center for Biomedical Engineering Research, University of Bern
  • Bern University of Applied Sciences BFH

International Collaborations

  • University of Graz
  • University of Kiel